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This website concerns the last days and an event on the horizon that is far bigger than anything that has happened in this world since Jesus Christ came the first time---His return for the rapture of the Church.  It concerns a pre-trib (or pre-Daniel's 70th Week) rapture view that is not only very different from the common pre-trib view, but the mid-trib, post-trib, and pre-wrath views as well.  It is a view that is largely brought to light by a different understanding of the Seven Sealed Book (or Scroll) spoken of in The Revelation (5:1), an understanding that I submit is a major key to unlocking the mysteries of The Revelation.

For the most part, I have worded this site in a way that supposes that the reader will be somewhat familiar with the subject of rapture views.  However, those who may be new to the subject have not been forgotten.  For the one who may become curious concerning how this differing view came to be, I would encourage you to read my book preface and book introduction, especially if you are visiting because of a personal invite from me.  Anything highlighted in red is a link, and all of these (like the navigation links) are internal to this site (except the video links).  Click on the link or touch it if you have a touch screen, and the link will open.

For those who may have never had an interest in rapture views, it is hoped that this site will still be found to be rewarding, for it is about more than a view---it is a Bible study.  It should be realized that a correct understanding of what the Bible teaches about the timing of the rapture (relative to other events, not date setting) is essential to correctly understanding much of what it teaches about other aspects of the last days.  Moreover, the importance of being ready for the rapture exceeds (by far!) anything else of importance relating to this present world, as it is an event that can happen today.

I have divided the main elements of this different view into 36 propositions or key truths that bear upon the the rapture.  These propositions are the headings for 36 of the main chapters in this website and are located in THE KEYS sections of the menu.  A survey of the list of these propositions (A-Z and 1-10) will give you a bird's-eye view of my understandings.  A study of the chapters will be like getting a bug's-eye view of them.

For those more familiar, the following seven points reveal some of the major differences that will be found between the view herein set forth and the common views.  For those less familiar, if you find some of this to be difficult to grasp in your first visit (or second or third!), don't give up or be too hard on yourself.  Be assured, everything is explained more fully in the chapters, so go easy on yourself, at least for now!  If you would like, you can even skip to PROPOSITION A at any time, which is more like the true beginning.  Also, whereas the following points are not in any certain Biblical order, a review is given near the end of this page that puts everything in order and gives an overview of The Revelation as well.  I hope you enjoy your journey!  Let's get started...


     First of all, with the United States having held such a prominent place in history and upon the earth, it has understandably been wondered, "Where is it in Bible prophecy?"  Well, I believe it is there, but not so easily seen.  Consider:  In Revelation chapter eight, an account is given of the sounding of four (of seven) trumpets and of the destruction that follows relating to the earth.  Eleven times it is stated that "the third part" is either destroyed or drastically affected (vss. 7-12).  If the nature of this third part destruction is concentrated and to one side of the earth, rather than cumulative and earth-wide (the common interpretation), we have the making for an interesting possibility.  Did you know that geographically, what is in our Western Hemisphere represents one-third of the earth---to within less than one percentage point?  Okay, so, what do these things have to do with the timing of the rapture?  Stay tuned.

     Note that just preceding the above third part destruction, there is going to be a cataclysmic event that will indeed be earth-wide, an event that occurs with the opening of the 6th Seal (Rev. 6:12-14ff).  This and other evidence supports that the later third part destruction will be of greater magnitude and hemisphere-specific.  And, if the hemisphere happens to be ours, this would be of great prophetic significance.  How in?  Think for a moment about that time often referred to as The Seven Year Tribulation Period.  This seven year period has to do with the last "week" (or seven years) of a prophecy found in Daniel that concerns 70 weeks that "are determined" upon the Israelites and Jerusalem (Dan. 9:24-27).  For more information on this prophecy, click on the link.

     Back to that "great prophetic significance," as is broadly accepted, 69 of the weeks of Daniel's prophecy have been fulfilled, but not the last or 70th Week.  Also, and in accord with the common pre-trib view, as the Church was not a part of the fulfilling of the first 69 weeks of this prophecy, it will not be a part of the last week.  Even on the surface, this strongly supports a pre-trib or pre-Daniel's 70th Week removal or rapture of the Church.  But interestingly, the United States and what is in our hemisphere was also not a part of the first 69 weeks, as it had not in that time even been discovered.  Now, if both the Church and what is on our side of the earth are removed from the picture before the beginning of Daniel's 70th Week, this would mean that two major elements of a WORLD STAGE RESET would be effected, so that for the fulfilling of this last week of years, the focus would be brought to bear upon Israel and the lands of the Bible days---ONCE AGAIN---as during the first 69 weeks.  Following this thinking, another very interesting and scriptural possibility comes into view.


     With the earth being a sphere, have you ever wondered how that "every eye" (Rev. 1:7) on the face of the earth will be able to simultaneously behold Christ at His Second Coming or Second Advent?  Needless to say, such a thing is no problem for God!  And, modern technology offers its possibilities.  But consider:  If POINT #1 is so, this supports that the only remaining people on the face of the earth at the time of Christ's Second Advent will be those on Israel's side of the earth, in that hemisphere.  This would mean that all of the remaining people at that time will be on one side---or the same side---of the earth.  In accord with what God has revealed to us in His Word, this possibility easily answers the question of how "every eye" will be able to simultaneously behold Christ at this time.  And if so, everyone will be seeing Him in person, meaning, no help from TV's and cell phones as many have begun to think.

     The above possibility is illustrated by something that all of us witness regularly relating to the sun.  When the sun is high in the sky over the United States, it is quite visible to everyone on our side of the earth.  Conversely, the same is true for those on the other side of the earth when it is high in the sky over Israel.  This means that, just as this is the case, so will it be for THE SON when He comes again as THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!


     As The Revelation opens, we find that the Apostle John was shown things that were soon going to come to pass or begin to come to pass (Rev. 1:1-3), and the instruction he was given to send a record of these things to the seven churches that were in Asia (Rev. 1:10-11).  Besides this record, he was also given a specific message to give to each church (Rev. chps. 2-3).

     After this, we find John's account of his beholding of God in Heaven (Rev. 4) and of a book He was holding that was "sealed with seven seals" (Rev. 5:1).  He then tells of a search that was made for one worthy to take this book and to "loose" its seals, after which the Lamb (Jesus!) prevails to do so (Rev. 5:2-14).  John then begins an account of the Lamb's opening of the book's seals (Rev. 6).  As we shall see, this mysterious Seven Sealed Book could rightly be entitled THE DAY OF THE LORD, for that is what its contents are all about.

     What is "the Day of the Lord" about?  It is a coming day (or period of time) in which God will again judge this world and on a scale of even greater severity than that of what He did in Noah's day.  Not only this, it is a day that also includes the seven year period of Daniel's 70th Week and much more.

     Back to the Seven Sealed Book, what would have to happen for such a book to be opened?  It would seem that every seal would first have to be removed, right?  Interestingly, with each seal that is removed, something is said to take place (Rev. 6:1 thru 8:1).  This would seem to indicate that the seals represent things that will take place before the book is opened or before the time that the Day of the Lord judgment will actually begin.

     Shortly, we will be taking a first look at what each seal represents.  For now, notice that after the opening of the 6th Seal (Rev. 6:12-14), John writes concerning the earth-wide cataclysm he beheld at this time (the one mentioned earlier) and the world's fear that the Day of the Lord or "the great day of His wrath" (Rev. 6:17) is upon them.  Very important to realize is that, according to the Apostle Paul, the event of the rapture is closely connected to the beginning of the Day of the Lord (I Thess. 4:13-5:11).  This then poses a relevant question:  Could this mean that the rapture will happen at this  time, just before the last seal is removed and the Seven Sealed Book is opened?  That the Church will be raptured before the beginning of the last days' Day of the Lord judgment is already in accord with the common pre-trib view.  What is not in accord with the common view is the understanding that this may happen just before the opening of the Seven Sealed Book.  Is there any other support for this possibility?  Let's see...


     According to the account of the 6th Seal, in conjunction with everything else that will happen at this time, Jesus Christ is going to make an appearance (Rev. 6:15-17).  Scripture supports that this will occur in the sky over Israel and that it will be a powerful and glorious "sign" appearance, which Jesus speaks of as such in Matthew 24:29-31 (please take a moment to read).  Almost entirely because of His use of the words "after the tribulation" in verse 29, most either take this to prove a post-Daniel's 70th Week rapture or reject the whole three verse passage as having anything to do with the rapture in the first place.  Because of much that will be brought to light in this study, I hope that those of all persuasions will prayerfully examine this afresh.  For the moment, remain mindful that all tribulation is not that of Daniel's 70th Week (the focus of PROPOSITION V).

     Continuing, I submit that Christ's appearance after He opens the 6th Seal will be on the order of a glimpse.  This is not His Second Advent, but a precursor to that event, for a sign to the Israelite nation and for the gathering of the Church (Matt. 24:31).  At this appearance of "the sign of the Son of man in heaven" (Matt. 24:30), those in Israel's hemisphere will see or glimpse Jesus, and 144,000 Jews from "all the tribes" will realize that He was their true Messiah after all (compare Matt. 24:30 with Rev. 7:4).  These will be converted and sealed (the "firstfruits"/ Rev. 14:4), but will remain upon the earth after the rapture to testify concerning Jesus during the time of Daniel's 70th Week (e.g., Rev. 12:10-11).

     As already indicated, at the same time of Jesus' Sign Appearance, all who are a part of the Church will be raptured and gathered together by the angels to meet Him in the air (cp. Matt. 24:31 with I Thess. 4:16-17 and II Thess. 2:1).  For those on the United States' side of the earth who are "left" (Matt. 24:40-41), the nature of what will happen at this time will no doubt be as often imagined or depicted in books and movies like LEFT BEHIND.  It is the just gathered Church that makes up the "great multitude" that John sees and writes of in the interlude between the 6th and 7th seals, in Revelation 7:9-17.  The "great tribulation" spoken of in verse 14 is what the Church has so long been through, or perhaps, that that is ahead, from which it will have just escaped.

     Because of the absence of any time frames (except for 30 minutes/Rev. 8:1), the first four trumpets (Rev. 8:2-12) can be sounded later, the same day that the 6th and 7th seals are opened.  In tune with all of the foregoing, this would mean that both the Church and what is in our Western Hemisphere can be taken out of the picture on the same day.  In other words, it looks like these two elements of the aforementioned stage reset may be taken care of in short order.  It bears repeating that all of this would be for the purpose of bringing the focus to bear once again upon Israel and the lands of the Bible days, for the final fulfilling of that last week (or seven years) of Daniel's 70 Weeks' prophecy.


     That the Church will be raptured after the opening of the 6th Seal is also strongly supported by a much overlooked prophecy of Joel's, quoted by Peter on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:16-21).  We know that this prophecy pertains to God's pouring out of His Spirit upon the Church.  But, when considered in the light of other scriptures, we find that it also points to the era of the Church, or Church Age, and gives details concerning both the very day of its inauguration (as is apparent) and the very day of its closing---like bookends.  This is a most remarkable prophecy.

     Concerning the closing of the Church Age, the Bible supports that it will be on the very day that the "sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood" (Acts 2:20) that the rapture will happen, and the Church Age will end.  This will happen the very day of the opening of the 6th Seal, when the phenomena of Joel's prophecy concerning the sun and the moon will be literally fulfilled---JUST BEFORE the beginning of the Day of the Lord (cp. Acts 2:20 with Rev. 6:12 & 17).  Once again, that the Church will be raptured before the beginning of this time of judgment is already a part of the common pre-trib view.  However, just as the common view makes no connection between the rapture and the opening of the Seven Sealed Book, it makes no connection between this and the celestial phenomena spoken of in Joel's prophecy.


     It might be asked, "If this different pre-trib view has the rapture happening after the opening of the 6th Seal, what about the prior seals?"  In answer, the first four seals have long been recognized to be paralleled by the things Jesus warned of in the opening of His Olivet Discourse (e.g., Matt. 24:4-12).  From a worldwide and historical perspective, it is evident that what He here warned of---the coming of deceivers and false Christs---wars and rumors of wars---famines, pestilences, and earthquakes---and the persecution and martyrdom of His followers---has characterized all of the era of the Church.

     In harmony with this, The Revelation opens with statements that convey that what it reveals was about to begin to take place (Rev. 1:1-3).  As we shall see, the first thing that takes place that this can rightly be said about would have to concern the Lamb's opening of at least some of the seals of the Seven Sealed Book.  Fitting this, there is both scriptural and historical support that the first four seals were opened early in the Church Age and represent not future judgments of God that pertain to Daniel's 70th Week (as commonly interpreted), but post-Apostolic liberties that were granted to Satan (he would have had none otherwise) to continue the plying of his craft into this age.  I submit that these seals reveal the spiritual realm activities of Satan (carried out by the four horsemen) to bring about the tribulation of which Jesus warned.  And further, I submit that these horsemen have been riding since as early as the first century, with history revealing the trails they have left down through the corridors of time---even unto our day.  Accordingly, this activity of theirs should not be seen as future signs that can be looked for, but things that have already been being fulfilled that can be recognized, which confirm that Jesus was spot on concerning the things of which He spoke.

     As far as the 5th Seal, what John here beholds can easily be the cry of Church Age martyrs for justice, nearer the end of this age.  Meaning, this seal can also have already been opened.  I submit that it has been.

     This brings us back to the 6th Seal.  As Christ's return for the Church can happen today, so is it with His opening of this seal.  He may be poised to open it at this very moment!  Interestingly, since the 6th and 7th seals can be opened the same day, this would mean that all of the seals shape up to relate entirely to the era of the Church.  Said another way, if all of the seals relate to the Church Age, it fits that this age will end the very day that the last seal is removed---the very day that the last days' Day of the Lord judgment will commence.  All of this supports that Daniel's 70th Week will not begin until some time after this, which gives us the framework for a solid and a different pre-Daniel's 70th Week or "pre-trib" rapture view.


     It might also be asked, "If all of the foregoing is so, just when in The Revelation does Daniel's 70th Week actually begin?"  The answer to this helps to verify all of the foregoing.  The answer?  In perfect harmony with The Revelation, the finishing of the stage reset for Daniel's 70th Week will take place during the time frames relating to the sounding of the 5th and 6th trumpets, spoken of in chapter nine (cp. vss. 5, 10, 15).  As soon as the stage is ready, John sees "a little book open," which is the subject of chapter 10.  In alignment with what Daniel was told centuries earlier (Dan. 12:4, 8-10), it clearly fits that this is the little book that he was inspired to write---the little book of DANIEL.

     Now consider:  The first evidences in The Revelation that Daniel's 70th Week has actually begun are in the very next chapter, in Revelation 11.  Here, the two 3-1/2 year time frames of this period are immediately---and for the first time---mentioned (vss. 2-3).  Thinking of these evidences, it could certainly be supposed that there would be some evidence of the Antichrist's confirming of his infamous seven year covenant with Israel at this time.  Well, there is, in the very first verse of chapter 11.  Just because Revelation 11:1 mentions "the temple of God" and "them that worship therein," this does not mean that it is God who is being worshipped.  It is not in harmony with Scripture that it will be God who is being worshipped in the temple at this time.  To the contrary, it will be that "man of sin" and "son of perdition" (II Thess. 2:3) of whom Paul spoke---a.k.a. the Antichrist.  This person will oppose and exalt himself above "all that is worshipped:  so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (II Thess. 2:4).  Be it known that it is the worship of the Antichrist that is taking place in Revelation 11:1.  And be reminded, this is the very first verse after the close of Revelation 10, the focus of which is the little book of Daniel being at this time seen to be open.

     Inseparably linked to these things is what we also find in Jesus' Olivet Discourse, in Matthew 24:15.  Ponder deeply:  "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (WHOSO READETH, LET HIM UNDERSTAND:)."


     In the opening verses of The Revelation, John was shown things concerning the future that were "at hand" to begin to take place.  The Revelation is his record of what he saw, and of his being told to send this, with specific messages, to the seven churches that were in Asia (Rev. 1-3).

     Just before he was shown what would be taking place, he tells of his invitation to come up to Heaven, of his suddenly being there "in the spirit," and of his seeing God on His throne (Rev. 4).  He then tells of a book he saw in God's right hand that was sealed with seven seals and of the ceremony he witnessed, in which the Lamb (Jesus) was given charge of it (Rev. 5).

     The beginning of what John was told was about to start taking place related to the Lamb's opening of some of the seals of the Seven Sealed Book, a book that could rightly be entitled THE DAY OF THE LORD.  The seals of this book pertain to the post-Apostolic era of the Church and what is slated to take place before the last days' Day of the Lord judgment will begin.  Christ opened the first four seals late in the first century, granting to Satan the spiritual realm liberties that he (Satan) was given to continue the plying of his craft into what has become known as the Church Age.  These liberties have ever since been exercised by his henchmen, the four horsemen, and they have been riding down through the corridors of history, even unto our day, doing just what they have been insatiably bent on doing.  Their activity is responsible for the things Jesus warned of in the opening of His Olivet Discourse, things that have characterized every century of history since.  The 5th Seal reveals the cry of Church Age martyrs for justice.  Arguably, it has also already been opened as well.  Whereas the 6th Seal is yet to be opened, Christ may open it at any time.  When He does, the phenomena concerning the sun and the moon, prophesied of by Joel and connected by Peter to the end of the Church Age, will be fulfilled.  Concurrent with this, Christ will return for the Church and make a powerful and glorious "sign" appearance, high in the sky over Israel---all in preparation for the later fulfilling of the last or 70th Week of Daniel's 70 Weeks' prophecy (Rev. 6-7).

     On the same day that the 6th Seal is opened, Christ can also open the 7th Seal.  This obviously suggests that He will then open the cover of the Seven Sealed Book, further supporting that the time of the last days' Day of the Lord judgment will have commenced.  With the sounding of the first four trumpets, what is in our Western Hemisphere will be taken out of the picture, in further preparation for the fulfilling of Daniel's 70th Week (Rev. 8).  In the time frame of the 5th and 6th trumpets (Rev. 9), the remainder of the world's stage will be readied for this last seven years to take place.  Very fittingly, it is during this time that the little book of Daniel is seen open (Rev. 10).  We then see the first evidences that the Antichrist has confirmed his infamous seven year covenant with Israel, meaning the period of Daniel's 70th Week has at this time begun (Rev. 11).  This period will continue (Rev. 12-18) until Christ's return as THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Rev. 19), at which time "every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him:  and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him."

     Beyond this review of the preceding seven points, there will be the completion of the last days' Day of the Lord judgment by Christ's Millennial Reign and the Last Judgment (Rev. 20).  After this, time, as we know it, will give way to eternity (Rev. 21-22).


For those who are familiar with the other rapture views, it should be apparent that most of the foregoing is not a part of any current view.  Why, I do not know.  But, I submit that this different pre-trib view will be found to be so scriptural that it will have you rethinking your view, whatever it may be.

Last but not least, a bonus relating to all of the above and this website study will be a better understanding of the book of The Revelation---beginning with the very first verses and the very first keys.

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